Thursday, 17 December 2009

Poker Films to Study

Lock. Stock and Two Smoking Barrels



High Stakes Poker (TV; Reality)

Casino Royal

Texas Hold 'em Rules and Hands

Monday, 14 December 2009

Research: Styling a card game

The movie '21' (2008) is a great film to take reference to make a card game looked stylized and interesting (as Blackjack isn't the most interesting to watch as a third party outsider). Some of these tight extreme shot etc could be used in our piece.

Simple Game Play - (from 03.15 - 05.15)

(from 03.42-04.50)

Although this all has to be adapted for Poker as it is a different game etc etc etc.

Poker Game; High Stakes Poker (Real Game Play) -

'Rounders' (1998); Poker Film; Slower Style & Relevant Game -

Initial Ideas

Group: Jack Blinman, Jemma Rowlston, Sonia Wan, Matt Laverack.

Initial Genres: Fantasy/ Mystery/ Gambling

Shall upload Video soon...