Wednesday, 4 November 2009

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

As this has been the first film production I have been a part of so far, I have learnt a lot.

During Planning:
Plain and simple, there is a lot of planning. Dialogue in a script my seem too long but it's shorter than you think! There is a lot of planning (further, more detailed planning could have been done as the slight mistakes in continuity prove).

During Production:
Unless the proper equipment is available, tracking shots are not the easiest thing to do. We tried skateboards, but found it is rare for them to go in straight lines and then there is the problem of the noise from the wheels. We tried running along side the subject but soon found it was hard to frame and if you're attention was placed on the framing, it is easy to run into walls. Try not to do extreme physical scenes such as running around on a hot summer's afternoon as the actor soon becomes grouchy...
Know where the camera needs to be so as to not make continuity mistakes. Don't trip over the tripod (which I learnt to use during this project; for the corridor long shot). People not involved in the production (people wondering around) don't like to be asked to move...

The Camera:
I learnt how to use a hand held video camera during this project. I filmed some of the scenes with the victim and it is tricky to get to grips with the equipment at first but it soon becomes familiar. There are many clips of me accidentally pressing the record button when trying to find playback.

Post Production:
Editing: iMovie:
Editing is a long process and saving is important. I have never edited anything before and found the software hard to use at first, but after four hours it soon becomes familiar.
Uploading the footage was exhausting as we had used a digital recorded as well as the tape recorder to shoot our film. This made the process of uploading the footage harder.
A big problem we came across during filming was the sudden loss of sound. This lead to re-uploading bits of footage. We soon learnt to upload everything to a separate folder on the computer so as to avoid re-uploading continuous.
iMovie is easy to use and understand when you put your mind to it. And editing is really fun after a while; the best bit!

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